Prayer Topics
Weekly Prayer Topics
KS Summaries
Summaries of decisions made at Kirk Session Meetings
to read/download click on the links below
2nd Inverness Inshes East Girls’ Brigade
2nd Inverness Inshes East Girls’ Brigade
Girls’ Brigade at Inshes East is a club for Girls ages P1-S6.
We do lots of fun activities that build towards achieving
badges and make new friends along the way.
Our motto is to help girls to Seek, Serve and Follow
We meet on Tuesdays in the Church from 5.30 - 7pm. Come along!
Truth Trackers
Truth Trackers
Letter from Glen July 2023 click here to read/download
FAB Families and Bairns
Every Wednesday morning from 9.30 am – 11.30 am (during
term time - resumes on 17th October)
Snack is provided at 10.30 am for the children and tea and coffee for the adults.
(Suggested donation £2 per adult & 50p per child)
Toys, Craft, Music, Snack
FAB is run by volunteers from Inshes Church